Quality & Environment
Ethical Management

DAIHAN CALSONIC has been observing a fair and transparent management principle.

DAIHAN CALSONIC has recognized the importance of ethical management, and enacted and proclaimed the ethics standard to settle it for the company’s culture.
Staffs and employees consider the ethics standard as the principle of duty implementation to raise the company’s competitiveness and fulfill its social responsibility.

Ethics Standard

DAIHAN CALSONIC maintains the management philosophy to pursue the transparent healthy management and fair profit and to fulfill its social responsibility.

  • 기본윤리준수
    Observation of Basic Ethics

    We will implement our duties honestly and fairly based on the high ethical conscience.

  • 사회적 책임
    Social Responsibility

    We will observe various social laws and regulations and contribute to the development of local society.

  • 고객에 대한 책임 고객에 대한 책임
    Responsibility for Customers

    We will put priority on the value of our customers with the best technology and service.
    We will respect the opinions of our customers and reflect them on the management activities of the company.

  • 협력회사 협력회사
    Partner Companies

    We will perform a transparent and fair trade with partnership companies for mutual growth.

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