
DAIHAN CALSONIC has been implementing an outside company consignment education system, a global language education, a competency education per level, an education for new employees, and an a E-Learning education according to the vision for fostering talented person.

  • 기본윤리준수
    Observation of Basic Ethics

    DAIHAN CALSONIC has provided an external professional agency to offer the education course that corresponds to each position of employees.

  • 부문별 교육
    Education for Each Division

    It is an education to implement targeting entire employees for each division by the supervising team.

  • 직무교육 직무교육
    Duty Education

    DAIHAN CALSONIC has been fostering professionals for duties through necessary education programs in and out of the company in order to foster the necessary capability of each team member to implement his duty in charge.

  • OJT교육 (신입사원 교육) OJT교육 (신입사원 교육)
    OJT Education (Education for New Employees)

    DAIHAN CALSONIC has been implementing OJT Education for the purpose of fostering the ability of new employees to adapt to their duties but also for the arrangement, transfer and promotion.

  • E-Learing교육
    E-Learning Education

    DAIHAN CALSONIC has been operating a Cyber Training Center for constant learning and participation and implementing to help employees for the improvement in their development and duty capability.

  • 국제화 교육
    Globalization Education

    DAIHAN CALSONIC has been implementing in-company foreign language educations to improve the international communication ability of employees

-Company-Wide Education System Diagram 확대보기Go
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